
acquaintance (85) addiction (102) alone (88) alpha (52) anger (64) avoidance (96) behavior (125) blame (93) break up (73) celebrate (48) change (66) choice (99) control (89) counsel (57) coward (57) date (58) dump (58) emotion (82) fear (65) friend (66) habit (67) hate (50) heal (40) help (45) intimate (78) jealousy (49) leave (45) life (54) loneliness (66) love (55) me (90) meaning (88) pain (49) pride (71) projection (64) recovery (46) relationship (89) religion (80) self-centered (88) sex (52) weakness (85)

Additional Resources

Sunday, December 27, 2015


When we rely on our own understanding, we make the assumption that we are correct in our thinking. The problem is we are absolutely right!

Henry Ford said: Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.

If we are able to justify our thinking over addictive behaviors, then in our mind, we have convinced ourself to be right.  Or maybe society has taught us a way that is only questionable after we get in trouble and find out the hard way that it is wrong.

The Pharaoh of Egypt told Moses:  “The Lord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong". 

To prevent falling into the trap of relying on our biased wrongful thinking, we should study the Bible, as it is full of correct ways to think.  Its also full of horrors stories of ways to NOT think!!  God doesn't like deceivers, and that's exactly what we are doing to our self and others!!

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, December 20, 2015


Physical & emotional pain are the only 2 forms of discomfort.  We either think it or feel it. Its hard to determine which one would be more painful as we may have never experienced the full extent of either.  Either way if we are not prepared for what pain can do then we are at our weakest point, a point where the devil sneaks around looking for the weakest.

1 Peter 5:8 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour".

People can be like that too.  They feel down and out and the only way for them to release the tension from their own pain is to inflict it on others.  Without God in our life and an understanding what Jesus can do for us, we act out in the painful ways that were dealt to us.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Email Problems

For some unforeseen reason has stopped sending out notification emails to those that subscribe.  They are looking into the problem.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Once we realize that we need to step away from our addiction, we do everything humanly possible to keep distant.  Sure we stumble once in a while, but our motive is true to try and avoid it at all possible.  But there is always one thing that continually trips us up and that is unbelief that we are worthy of forgiveness from others or even God.

Unbelievers avoid religion because they don't like hearing about satan and the lake of fire kind of talk.  Picture religion like a large government program: they designate billions of dollars for a certain project.  The money stays there never to be moved except for the people designated to draw on that account. God did the same thing through Jesus Christ; all who believe may draw on that account and those that don't believe may not!!  It's that simple, so the only thing in our way is our choice.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, December 6, 2015


Napoleon Hill once said: "What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve".  That is so true as shown below: 
  •  If we are afraid, then we won't move.
  • If we believe we are worthless, then we will be.
  • If we believe we are trapped, then we will never try anything different.
  • If we believe that our addiction is the only way to feel good about ourself, then that's what we'll do.

  • If we believe that everything we try will fail, then we won't put the effort in to succeed at anything.
  • If we believe that a cozy safe place in the darkness, hidden from everyone is the best place to be while trusting in our failing addiction, then that's where we'll stay.
Do you see the common theme?  It's all about OUR choices, not the choices of others.  Here's one more;
  • "If I choose to not listen to God's promptings, then I am selfish in my motives and will slowly block His voice out completely! 
But the fallacy remains that just because if I can't hear Him, then I won't be responsible for anything!!
Proverbs 6:14 “Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend, forsakes the fear of the Almighty".  The bible warns us about living selfishly.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, November 29, 2015


You know when you are truly free, when things don't seem to bother you as much as they used to.  When peoples actions that are less than desirable are basically unimportant to you.  You can easily forgive and smile when others try to get a reaction out of you.  Because you know that its not them who's attacking you but rather a darker influence that is effecting them to act that way.  It's hard to be angry with a victim whose acting out when you are in this free state of mind.

Imagine how many times Jesus forgave others, especially the group who were out to get him.  Did He smile at those doing wrong?  He didn't shake His finger at them for sinning?  Was He compassionate?  He didn't criticize or belittle people who were trapped in a lifestyle because He knew they were victims as well.

Psalm 10:14 "But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless".

The truth is, "it's easier to forgive others than to be forgiven by others"

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, November 22, 2015


Depending on people is necessary in our professional and daily lives, but when it comes to emotions we can't depend on anyone.  Depending on people to make us happy or feel secure is a trap, a one way ticket to an addictive behaviour.  We need to be careful to not idolize people.

1 Thessalonians 4:12 says: so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.  We win respect by proving that we are independent enough to be a positive example to others.

Emotional dependency is something that keeps us from reaching our potential.  If we rely on others to make us emotionally complete then we are missing something; "an important part of me", that I can only find in someone else.  We are to learn the positive traits from others, not duplicate their every move.  The only way to know which traits we should copy is found in the Bible, and by hanging around with those who have a Godly walk.  Try inviting Jesus into your life and see what happens.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, November 15, 2015


Some of us can barely even look at ourself in a mirror, let alone look at our inner thought processes.  Guilt and shame are the biggest factors that hold people back from a clean bill of mental health.  Knowing what you did, said, didn't do, or didn't say it when the time was right, can play a never ending tape of failure in your brain.  We envision grandiose story-lines of revenge, correction, or even just peaceful outcomes, none of which are true.  This is an anchor that prevents us from moving forward because at the end of that ever playing tape is the reality of our failure.  The way things are!

Acknowledging your mistakes and correcting them where you can is the only way out of that devilish cycle. Keeping in mind that some people don't want you to, or will use those weaknesses as a vehicle for their own advancement.  Don't worry about those kind of people but live in God's promise in

Hebrews 12:5 My dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline, but don’t be crushed by it either.
It’s the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects". MSG

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, November 8, 2015


Is it something we do out of some sort of compulsion?  Is it deliberate, directed at someone or people in general?  Most likely it's because we are so focused on our own wants, desires, and needs that cause us to live in ways that hurt other people.  Basically we are oblivious to the hurt we cause.

Another side to this is that we are so overwhelmed with the weight of the world around us that causes us to live a entombed life.  We have enough of our own hurts so we just can't handle anymore.  It's a recoil from all our troubles that makes us choose a world free of external disturbance.

The 3rd side of this is that we may feel others inconsiderate behaviors when in reality none exist.  We just can't take rejection of any kind, so it's always someone else's fault that we feel the way we do.

Hebrews 12:14 tells us: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

I think this means to give others a break.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, November 1, 2015


When you speak one way about your life, and live a very different way in private. Telling loved one's how much they mean to you, but then slipping off to a casual relationship with someone else you barely know. The focus being drugs, alcohol, sexual, or criminal.  It might even be for the quiet you receive trying to escape the realities of life.  Any way that you look at it, it's still deception.  The next morning, it's back to normal, living the straight life with the one you say you adore. 

The only time you'll stop deceiving is when the pain you create in others is finally greater than your own. Why do you think you can have it both ways?  There's plenty of verses condemning that type of behaviour, and a few speaking of blessings.

James 1:12, Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

So I guess depending on our behaviour we will receive more blessings or curses?

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, October 25, 2015


 It's not easy receiving discipline, nor is it much fun giving it.  It's really only necessary when we reach a known boundary and pass it, knowing full well that there may be consequences.  Sometimes we may be naive enough to believe that it doesn't apply to us, but we realize it does after the fact.  Every stumble in an addictive life is us falling, jumping, crawling, walking, or running over a certain boundary that we keep repeating.  The discipline never changes and for some reason, neither does our thought patterns.  Why can't we just respect that boundary and live a happy life??  If we can't do it for us, then how about helping someone else out instead?  Because we will be held accountable for our actions when we get to Heaven.

Proverbs 10:17 "Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray."

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, October 18, 2015


Most of us have been told to control ourself, in some shape or fashion, and that's usually out of concern for us looking like fools because our our actions.  Others because they act out in unacceptable fashion in innocent or criminal ways and have never been taught that growing up.

Some of us have never heard the word control because we were in a crowd of individuals who vehemently oppose control of every fashion.  It's funny but those people who oppose control are usually the biggest control freaks!!  Everything has to be their way or everyone is going to suffer.  Even if they did hear it, they would ignore it, but God way bigger plans than anything on earth as He said in Isaiah 65:1,
“I was found by those who did not seek me;
I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.”

Maybe we just need to control our enthusiasm now?  

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Enduring Hardship

Finding peace in ongoing hardship is something that we cannot do on our own.  We may think we have the power to do that, but in reality we achieve that peace by simply releasing control, which happens to be a gift from God.  We are told that in every hardship God will provide an out for us if we surrender our power to God.  An unusual silence come over us when these hardship continue, they just don't seem that important any longer.  You start viewing the perpetrator as an uncontrolled child, and the situation as a kindergarten movie.

You start to feel sorry for someone like that and wish that you could instruct them on the proper way to deal with their stress, but you can't.  They have to learn that on their own.  God will help them experience it, don't you worry about that.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Behaviour #1

No one can explain why we are on this planet.  Science can surmise how we got here but it has no theory as to our own individual existence, our mind with it's processing power and how it differs from animals.  They believe we were just luckier than the animals.

The Bible states how all this happened, but sometimes because of our past hurts, we avoid the possibility of a father figure, refusing the authority of someone in charge of us all.  In reality, we just want to be in control.  We didn't have any control when we were hurt in the past, but now we have that option.  A shield that will protect us from that ever happening again.  We are only locking God and His healing power out by trying to do it all on our own.  Recipe #1 for addictive behaviour.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Patiently Waiting

We know that when we are standing in front of God that our entire life will flash before us, we will be held accountable for everything we have said and done, be they good or bad.  Everyone on earth will be standing there whether they believe in God or not.  Wouldn't it be nice if all we saw was the good things we had said and done?  The words "well done good and faithful servant".

There is a way for that to happen and it is to confess our sins right now, here on earth.  Sharing our troublesome and sorrowful tales with someone you trust and admitting our wrongs to God.  If we take the time to do this now then God won't have to force us to do it while standing in front of Him.

The time of patiently waiting is over, now is the time to confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ, because Jesus will tell God what a good job we have done on earth....or NOT.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Simple Words

Words are seeds.  Once said, they cannot be removed, but they can be trimmed.  One harsh word can permanently harm you.  It can do the following: make you feel incompetent, make you angry and act out, turn you into a bully, shut down your creativity, darken your spirit, remove your smile, make you indifferent, make you lose interest, and encourage you to quit.  But the greatest of these is to drive you into a belief that you are less than you are.  A recipe for an addiction.

It takes 10 words of positive reinforcement and encouragement to replace the damage of one harsh word.  Once a persons innocence is taken away through harsh words, the recipient feels it as in the 10 listed above.  People can apologize but unless we find it in us to forgive them, then those words are stuck with us as long as we want to hang onto them.  Jesus said that forgiving them is the only answer.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, September 13, 2015


What does the military and the passion of Jesus have in common?  The military has a standing rule to not leave anyone behind, to collect the wounded and bring them to safety. To stand as a united force.

Jesus sacrifice on the cross has the same principals, to not leave anyone behind, to collect the wounded and bring them to the safety of God.

The injuries may be different but the principal remains the same as the military fights visible forces and the gospel fights the unseen forces of demons and principalities.

We all have our own visible and unseen battles that test us to the limit.  Darkness may rule for a short time but our passion to believe in an ever loving God helps us win in the end.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, September 6, 2015


We all have thoughts about doing righteous things and getting closer to God.  It could be doing something nice for someone, starting a new routine, or even changing our life around, like stopping a bad habit.  Either way all it takes is to simply start or stop something.  We start doing good things to get closer to God or we stop doing bad things to break away from harmful behaviors. 

Did you notice that either way takes us in one direction?  So really, the only thing lacking in our life is action or the gumption to make a change. Sometimes we need a motivator;

1 Corinthians 15:33 says: "Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”  If we love being with people who allow or encourage us to sin openly, then the top half of this message probably irritates you.  This message is for those who are tired and want to change.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, August 30, 2015


It's a time when our past and present have collided with our future.  When all the self-centered actions and emotions of the past have created a roadblock in the present, that then stops our progression into our perceived future.  Basically our past has caught up with us and it's time to face the truth.

It's much worse when we are blindsided and don't see it coming. These are the times when our very foundations are rocked, a surreal world emerges out of the chaos, and over time our vision becomes crystal clear as to the reasons.

This is the time when we can very easily adopt an know...something to help us get through the tough times!  Or maybe we had the addiction all along and others finally got fed up with it and us! If we do adopt an addiction or compulsion, then we have replaced God.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, August 23, 2015


Have you watched someones conversation with others when they don't know you are watching and wondered what they were talking about?  Might seem weird but it is enlightening.  You can actually tell quite a bit about the conversation by way of mannerism, stance, if they are looking at each other, or only one to another.  Some people have no hearing and they hone this ability to silently read conversations to somewhat amazing accuracy.  They can describe the basis of the story, feelings, and the thoughts of the people.

Our mannerisms as Christians speak volumes to those who do not yet believe in a higher power.  Half-hearted attempts at playing Christian only leave bad results.  Truth is the only element that rubs out all negative attributes, because you can't be truthful and sin at the same time.  Jesus said that if we follow His words then, in John 8:32, " Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".

In order to be set free we need to communicate with others by acting more like Jesus and all good things will flood long as we believe it in our heart.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, August 16, 2015


3 people witness a hit and run accident. All 3 have valuable details, but all argue on the color of the car, license plate, and direction of travel.  Probably the most important facts.

Trauma distorts our thinking and perception of things. What we daily carry around with us emotionally shades what we actually see.  Our brain is busy sorting the garbage we feel is important and when new unexpected information comes in it's jumbled, not unlike a computer when the hard drive is full.  Our brain is so full with problems, then a constant bombarment of info we can't handle and we crash.

That's when addictions seep in.  It's easier to block out the world than it is to deal with the info.  If we could only learn that talking with someone and releasing our burdens helps free up our mind to handle other info, other than just our own dilemas. It's called freedom.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, August 9, 2015


Maybe you have been told that you deserve what you get! This is mostly taken in a negative context; if we do bad things then we deserve it when bad things happen to us.  Someone taking revenge on us because we made a mistake is something we don't deserve.  If we have followed God's plan and taken all steps to rectify our mistake then we deserve respect, compassion, and most of all, Grace. 

The problem is we can't really expect to receive it because most people have never received it either.  The world has it's own mold of justice and it is a mirror opposite of what God offers through Jesus Christ.  The Bible says we are forgiven through Christ giving His life for us.  So that means revenge is someone elses sickness, not ours.  They give us revenge, but we can give Grace. (if we choose to)

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Time Sensitive

When is the best time to do something about the thoughts we have in our head.  About the way we have treated others: have we been rude, insensitive, mean, vendictive, gossiped, cheated, lied, hurt them physically, emotionally, or sexually?  Have we been distant, uncaring, avoiding, slandering, plotting against them, hoping for their downfall, stolen from them, or gotten even, etc? 

We may feel justified based on what they did to us as well, having a sense of accomplishment through revenge or just desserts served.  Careful...the Bible says that we can't be forgiven if we can't forgive.

 What we vengefully do to others may anger God more than what they did to us and God may choose their side to further punish us!!  God says forgive and that judgement is His business, not ours.  So the time to correct this thinking is now, before we get into it so deep that we can't get out!!

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, July 26, 2015


When we think of ourself as less than others, or just unworthy, then we are calling God a liar.  The Bible tells us that we are the image of God and that we are blessed with a uniqueness all our own??

Sooo... if thats true, then how can we be both His image and individually unique?  Complicated question!!  If we do not possess His image, then we are falible and if we don't view ourself as unique, then we are disposable.  See how easy it is to believe that we are unworthy?  STOP IT!!

We need to stop connecting the bad things that we choose to do and stop listening to others tell us how bad we are, and separate that with who we really are in God's eyes.  God doesn't make mistakes; so stop your addiction for one minute and absorbe His love and believe you are worthy, but you're just making a mistake right now!!  We can choose to change that!!

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, July 19, 2015


If all we do in life is seek pleasure and enjoyment, then we are susceptible to addictive behaviors.  Why?  Because we don't know how to handle disappointment, let-down, failure, and being denied!  By only seeking pleasure we trian ourselves to run from hurt, and when it hurts too bad then we may need a little something to help us through that negative time.  This becomes a really bad habit over time and part of our lifestyle.

We need to look at every situation in life as a "happening".  If we don't try to make sense of the bad times then we will try to cover it over with something that makes us feel pleasant.  Do that once and it's a temporary remedy to help us learn from this bad time, but do that everytime and it is a full blown addiction.

We have to learn that disappointment is an opportunity to expand our thinking, not to think we need something to help us through it.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Spiritual Addiction

Happens when we are disconnected from God.  We place other things higher than God, fooling ourself into believing modified doctrines.  Pining after someone or thing, lusting after money, our entire focus is directed on how to get it that we wind up ignoring God, so we build an idol that is no smarter than us.

So believe it or not, ALL addictions are spiritual.  When we step out of the protective cover of God's grace then we are open to every evil intention that is designed to convince us to believe religious topics and facts instead of relying on God's grace.  Our thoughts become the idol in our mind, because we refuse to search it out in God's word.  We give control of our life to . . ."something". . .  in the darkness.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, July 5, 2015


It's either truth or disobedience!  But if it's the truth whether good or bad, then why do we try to hide it?  If it's disobedience then why not tell the truth about it?  Excuses are simply a way to avoid blame, getting caught, or being found out.  Nobody likes shame.  It's a grandious attempt to paint the rotten boards in our life, to cover the mould with a fresh look, or to pretty-up the putrid stink we seem to like!  That's all sin is; the rotten, mouldy stench that we cover up, repeatedly.  We try bandaid after bandaid approach until we finally see how dumb we look building fantastic excuses, all to simply avoid the truth.

The better approach is to say, "I'm done with this in my life.  I need to change"!  Instead of dreaming up the best excuse, try confessing it to someone and giving it to Jesus!

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Ecc 7:21 Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Grumbling leads to discord and separation.  Our demeanor changes when we have something on our mind.  It removes trust and irritates acquaintances.  It purses peoples lips and hardens their hearts.  They seek revenge and find joy in the destruction of others.

The better side of this is to not pay attention to those who grumble and spread rumors, because we do not know the condition of that persons heart, nor do we know the truth.  One thing we can be sure of is that the story will stop simply by us not repeating it, if we allow it.  Of course that means forgiving all transgressions!!  Remember: "what you release on earth, will be released in Heaven".

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

People Pleasing

When you try to make everyone around you happy, then you have no time for yourself.  Don't mix this up with your employer or government services, because making those people happy can create incredible benefits for you, but that usually includes "just following the rules".

This version is when someone is angry with us, or we crave something or someone more than we care about ourself.  It's when we put ourself in danger, lie, cheat, have an eating or sexual disorder, put ourself down, to say "YES" when we don't mean it, or are cruel to others, all this just to make someone else happy with us. We crave their accolades, and we feel bad because we can't get them from anyone else.  We don't mind being manipulated through evil intent, lowering our own standards!!  This opens us up to addictive behaviors.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices teach us that it's okay to fail, to disappoint people, to say "NO", and if we focus on the Lord we will receive the power and acceptance from Him, so necessary to be free.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, June 14, 2015


A complete list of skills, dramas, or devices, the dictionary says.  We all have a repertoire, some of it good, some of it bad.  We rely on it to get by and we are continually updating it.  It gets us wonderful opportunities, gives us satisfaction of a job well done, helps build confidence in us.  That is only if our motives are clean and our thinking is clear and honest.

Sometimes it gets us out of trouble and we "whew" past a close call when we've been a little bit dishonest.  Other times it leads us down dark paths when we can't say no to bad thoughts, avoid troublesome people, or see other better ways to live life.  It can be very bleak and dishonest as well! 

The Bible talks about repertoire clearly; "out of your mouth comes what's in your heart".

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us views of other peoples repertoires and shows us how to imitate them.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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Sunday, June 7, 2015


There is a time in our life when we think that the past is better than today, when we yearn for things the way they used to be.  That might be true but only because we haven't completely explored the possibilities of the future.  There are times ahead that would dwarf the wonderful events of the past if we strive for that.  However, if we continue to mourn and hunger for past people, places, and things, then we cannot focus on the pleasant things of the future.  Or the present for that matter.

That means changing our thinking from defeat, destruction, hurt, decay, and emotional prisons, to things like growth, peace, confidence, abundance, and joy.  Instead of deprevation and stuffy old problems, think of fresh new people, places, and things, but most importantly seek God with all your heart and all these new things will be given to you.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices help us to get rid of our old thinking and replacing it with ways of encouraging growth.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
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Friday, June 5, 2015


We can stand for a cause, we can be the cause, or be hurt because.  3 very different motivations to radically different ends.  If we stand for nothing then we are the cause of our own hurt.  On the flip side, if we're not careful when we are hurt, then we can be the cause of us falling into harmful thinking, which can cause others to stumble.

Individually they are understandable, but looking how they inter-twine makes sense.   Basically, everyone of us is the cause of something, but it's how we handle it that causes us to think differently.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices cause us to think on the side of good for ourselves and others.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Monday, June 1, 2015


Probably the most difficult thing to do when you have an addiction in your life is to have an even temperament.  You can only be happy when you are in the midst of it, and angry when you are not.  Or happy most of the time and angry after you've done it.  Or short tempered because we can't handle the stress of life and the addiction takes the sting off of things we can't control.

Short term thinking is the viscious cycle that keeps us trapped in immediate relief.  We don't give ourselves time to process the damaging behaviors of ourself and others, because we are trapped in "me" thinking.  Surrendering all of this to Christ's care and control is the one and only step we need to take to break out of it.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices put all the tools we need in front of us to stop the damaging things we do...but only if we want to!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Interesting word!  When we don't follow it, we learn the "science" behind it and "con" ourself into thinking what we are doing is acceptable and truthful.  It's very easy to con our own thinking, because there is usually a pleasure behind the motive.  Do it once and your options expand.

So we do things that are morally deplorable, justify our actions, tell others that it is someone elses fault, and paint a pretty good picture of ourselves.  But to someone who knows; our picture looks like the painting of a child, full of gramatical impracticalities, glaring holes in our story, and they can see the dirt on us that we can't see.  Plus the most startling thing is that "cons" eventually crack because the story morphs into something uncontrollable.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices teach us that we may not be in charge of anything at all: but we sure think we are fooling everyone, including God!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Controls our actions, words, and thoughts.  When things don't go our way, we spew harsh verbage on innocent bystanders, act out in misdemeanor ways, and our facial expressions reveal the condition of whats in our heart.  But why? 

Holding onto hatred, singed feelings, & toxic relationships is only a seed & we will produce a crop of much worse than we experienced. . . if we let it!  Maybe, we didn't have a good role model growing up?  Complaining about others and situations was the norm for us? 

Everyone has the ability to change behaviour like that as long as we recognize that it exists and see something better that we can work towards.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us the result of our negative actions and help us realize what we are truly like.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Would you call yourself absolutely evil or the flip side of absolutely Godly?  From a worldly perspective; hitler or Mother Theresa?  Both of those being extremes, we find ourself somewhere in the middle.  Do you find yourself swinging back and forth on certain days or in the midst of some sort of turmoil?  A relapse or giving into bad thoughts?

We are told in the Bible in Ephesians 6 about wearing the armour of God.  If you are serious about wanting to leave your past behind you, then wearing the armour of God is essential to success.  That means it is time to commit.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices teach us what we have to do to commit and be absolutely sure.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, May 3, 2015


An easy way to fail is to try to change everything at once.  When we are riddled with problems, emotions, and failure and we know something just has to be different in our life, we tend to think its all or nothing when we think of change.  ie; from a crackhead to a Nun in one day.  Lets be realistic!!  It took a long time to get where you are.

A better lifestyle comes when we change one small thing at a time.  Make it simple like promising to do one good thing for the next 21 days.  Like put the dishes in the dishwasher after every meal, or don't drink or do drugs before noon. Promise yourself to not purge one meal a week, or be calm when you are wronged.  After 21 days it will become a habit, then work on another small thing.  Change comes when we see the small successes.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices help us to peel away the onion layers of our confusing life, one layer at a time.  It's all done by simply committing to do it, one small habit at a time!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Life is broken down into elements of time.  Time for interaction with others, for our personal desires, and for thought processes.  When we do something wrong, then our thought processes become over ridden with guilt or ways to conceal our wrong doing.  This can lead to us trying to find ways of dampening those thoughts in some way.  This is the ground work laid for an addictive behavior.

Excessive use of substances, bad habits, or negative thinking is just a blister on our already over worked mind.  The best way to deal with this kind of wrong thinking is to expose the original sin, the very thing we are trying to cover up.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us that none of the junk we conceal is original in any way and that others sharing the same wrong doing is quite healing for us.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Simply said; it's how we interpret the things we see based on the things we have learned.  Doesn't make it right or wrong, because the things we have learned may have been flawed in some way to begin with. 

Have you ever tried to do someone elses job of which you have no training and know nothing about?  We can assume it is done right but most likely it is wrong.  We missed  the one thing to give it longevity and to last.

Life is like that!  We go about collecting beliefs and traits through absorbsion, thinking all along that it is right and good.  The Bible tells us not to do that because when a time of testing comes then our piece-meal world falls away and burns up. Then we get angry at God??

Romans 8:7 says;  The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. NIV

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices help us to see those flaws through our own realization.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Believe in Yourself

When we have a poor outlook of our self, we are open to addictive behaviours.  Thinking you are less than suitable, always short of any line drawn in the sand, or incapable of doing things well or at all.  At a time when your own personal success is but a distant dream and your happiness is attached to that. This is a low point that we take as the basis of the rest of our life, but that is just a lie that we tend to believe.  Things can always be brighter if we just keep trying and refuse to give up...

Turning to God with your whole heart, all your sole, and all your mind, is the way to prevent adopting destructive habits and wallowing in self-pity.  The Bible says that giving yourself to the care of Jesus Christ and seeking all things in Him, then you will be raised up.  Joy in the Lord is our strength.

Self-Help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us that there are much better ways to deal with our problems other than covering it up with another problem.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, April 5, 2015


When we have an emotional injury from childhood that hasn't been realized or properly dealt with, we have a predisposition to seeking a lifestyle that incorporates similarities of that injury.  Abused can seek abusers, addicts center their life around that substance, the abandoned crave any kind of attention (bad is the easiest), living without rules and you seek to manipulate, excessive cricitism can lead to depression & eating disorders, and the list goes on.

Hurdle #1 is when someone points that problem out in us. It may be very hard for us to accept it as "MY problem", so hurdle #2 is realizing we need help.  Once we piece our history with our actions, to our current problems, our demeanor starts to change.  Hurdle #3 is getting to the point that we realize this is a normal reaction when we finally admit our denial to the original problem.

Self-Help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us the opportunity to realize these things in ourself without someone pointing a finger at have to be in the group first!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, March 29, 2015


The one thing that is keeping us from being a truly whole person versus someone that is destitute in spirit and on the verge of complete failure, is a simple decision.  It won't be a grandious decision that will make us or break us, it is the simple decisions we have to make every day of our life.  The small thoughts that invade our thinking that appeal to our carnal desires.  Our insatiable wants to satisfy our greed, anger, lust, escapism, and negative habits.

A simple, "NO I don't want that in my life", versus "I'll start saying no tomorrow".  This is the make or break decision, the start of something better, or much worse.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices help us focus on the single small details, because every detail is on a thin black line between healing and hurt.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, March 22, 2015


No one likes it when someone seeks to get even with us, or us with them.  God hates it even more, when the NIV says: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord." 

We've all done it and have all received it!  Hopefully it was out of ignorance to begin with, but God's word is very clear that a heart filled with malice makes God very angry.  It also goes on to tell us that we will be judged based on how we judge others, and if we do it with malice then that is doubly dangerous.  Ignorance can be forgiven, but evil thoughts towards someone with the malice simply to take revenge, is just taunting God.  I don't recommend that!!

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us ways to release control & bitterness, and come clean with our emotions.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Happens when we finally come to the conclusion that our actions are repulsive to even our self.  When we realize the harm and damage we have done to others through our own self centered needs.  The holes in our life that we simply could not fill with substances, manipulation, or deceit.  The cycle of events that it takes us to learn this can last for years, sometimes our whole life before our eyes are opened to the truth.

At that point we should be ecstatic that we have found the source of our negative feelings and habits, but most times we end up wallowing in self pity.  This stops our growth and the healing we owe to our self and others.  If left unaddressed we can spiral back into a life we abhor.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us the venue and support of like-minded individuals to help us see the path to true healing.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, March 8, 2015


There's a line between forgiveness and trust that's blurred.  It's a gray area that allows all kinds of conditions, beliefs, and skullduggery.  You can forgive someone, but can you trust them?  Forgiving means that you break any spiritual hold they had on you, but trust is something the other person must build through their actions. 

Every grievance has two conditions; opportunities for forgiveness and for trust.  If someone forgives you and you do nothing to rebuild the damaged trust then it's probable that they will have to forgive you again.  I guess that's why the Bible tells us to forgive 70 times 7 times!!

Walking away from hurtful or damaging behavior is very tough, so returning to it continues to break trust and a need to seek forgiveness.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us the opportunity to return after stumbling and receive understanding.  Trust comes when we stop stumbling!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Looking for peace can be a daunting thing, especially when it is hard to hang onto.  The true test of having a peaceful spirit is when you realize that you are able to maintain a peaceful composure in the midst of stressful situations.   It's when you can see what needs to be done in clear vision in uncontrollable situations.  If you're not professionally trained to do that, then you must find it through something called grace.

This type of peace is a God given ability to know that you may be able to help others, but God is ultimately in control.  Giving up control and maintaining a peaceful spirit is a challenge for most people, but not if you have surrendered your control over to God.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us that the best way to obtain internal peace is to simply give our control over to Jesus.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, February 22, 2015


We hurt because we don't have inner peace.  We cry because we don't feel love.  We avoid the truth because we can't reveal our true self.  We cling to people and things because we don't feel whole.  We avoid because we can no longer trust.  We seek revenge because we continue to do the wrong things.

All of these anomalies are the result of fear, bitterness, & unforgiveness.  It's not unusual for people to hang onto the very hurts they have experienced and wield them as a wall in front of them in order to feel safe.  We build a shanty style world out of broken feelings & dreams, and think we have found peace.  This is the dissolutionment that we create for ourselves and then honestly think it is a God given reality!!

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us a clear look at real states of mind and dispel the clouds of dissolutionment, so we can truly heal.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, February 15, 2015


When we feel that people are rejecting us, we need to look at why we feel that.  People may not like our ideas or perceptions, so that is taken very personally.  We can get angry, defensive, hurt, or even go on the our mind we are righting a wrong, but no wrong exists.  We are projecting our hurts onto others.

People disagree all the time, but when we cannot accept that, its then taken as rejection.  We need to look at the depth of where this feeling of rejection comes from and find its root.  However.....

.....if our lifestyle is debaucherous, criminal, unethical, unfair, non-commital, uncaring, gross, or even unBiblical, then we can expect far more rejection.  There are far fewer people in this world who can't even handle the thought of a lifestyle like that, let alone have you exhibit it publically.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices allow us to understand that the cause of rejection is problably because of our lifestyle and how we project that onto others unfairly.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, February 8, 2015


What we view as an offense towards us is really based on how we live our lives.
 When we are living in a state of heightened confusion or are knowingly living a life of sin, we tend to be over the top with our emotions. A single word can throw us into rage, drive us to addiction, or be physically and verbally abusive.  We can't think straight and it appears to us that the world is literally against us, and God is crushing us with His thumb & enjoying it
In reality, we simply are not with the Lord!  We haven't released our control to Him, we continue to live a sinful life, or we are harboring resentment of some kind.  If we hang on to hurts, then we assume the responsibility of allll... the little demons that go along with it!!  That becomes overwhelming in itself and that's what breaks us!!
Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices teach us that we must let go of emotions and situations that involve others, and just give it to Jesus.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, February 1, 2015


They give us strength, relief, happiness, & peace!!  Only problem is that it is short term joy and quickly dwindles once the moment is gone.  It's like being intoxicated or getting high, once it wears off all that's left is the pain.  People know what we are doing in our secrecy, but we believe that this excuse is the best one ever, "after all I would believe it if someone told that to me", we tell ourself.

Ocassionally, we forget how many times we've used those same excuses and when we keep repeating them, others chuckle under their breath while they watch the show we are putting on.  In our mind we are masterful actors winning the sympathy of all.  But in their minds we are a pitiful mess, and we by the way, are real bad actors.  Try telling the truth and say, "no I want to use".  (Or whatever your vice is.)  At least others will then have to respect you for being truthful.

Self Help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us what we really look like to others.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, January 25, 2015


When we know what is right and we compromise that in our minds in order to indulge in something we know is wrong, then we are giving the power that God has given us, away  to the devil.  The wrestling match between our carnal wants and what we know is right should always be the first thought in our mind.  But unfortunately, we tend to think the rest of the world is oblivious to our actions, when in reality someone always see's what we are doing wrong, they just don't confront us with it.

The Bible tells us that God is "all knowing & see's all", yet like an Ostrich with their head in the sand, we tend to feel that if we can't see in the dark, then no-one can.  Only one problem with that thinking. . . . God is light and in Him there is no darkness!!  Doh!!

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices help to acknowledge the lies we tell ourselves and others, and to realize the damage inflicted by our own compromises.

Stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I'm told that; "in business you are only as good as the last job you did".  Doesn't that ring true with us individually as well?  If we are known as a drug dealer, thief, liar, prostitute, alcoholic, bulimic, or any other of the hundreds of hang-ups, then it's really hard to try to convince others differently.

If our actions even hint that we still speak or act the way we used to, then our task becomes much harder to convince others that we have indeed changed.  Repeating bad behaviour simply causes others to repeat their suspicions of us.  Repeating good behaviour confuses those who know us "the way we used to be", and starts to crack the image they once held of us, until hopefully a new trust in us is revealed.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us the support we need to step out of our old ways of thinking and the courage to successfully continue through life's difficulties.

Stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected