We all have grievances and misunderstandings, hurt feelings and heartaches. That is the way of this world! The more important question is; what is it we are doing to create those abnormalities and how do we go about correcting that unjust thinking in us and others?
First off, it is impossible to live in a society and not offend someone at sometime!
Secondly, we can't control what others think about us so all we can do is approach them with the spirit of love and respect. If they'll let us, we can present our concerns and hopefully alter the way they think about us by giving them a vulnerable piece of us. It doesn't have to be a juicy tidbit rather just sharing their effects on us. If that person has deeper emotional concerns and uses that information against you, then the problem remains, but you are free from condemnation because you tried to correct it! God likes that!
Prov 2:11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
Praying to God first is a way to let God work in other peoples hearts so that when you approach them they have already been thinking about it and the response is usually more receptive or they will avoid you completely due to overwhelming guilt. Either way, if you spend time praying for others and trying to mend bridges, you have won God's heart. God protects those who love Him.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?
First off, it is impossible to live in a society and not offend someone at sometime!
Secondly, we can't control what others think about us so all we can do is approach them with the spirit of love and respect. If they'll let us, we can present our concerns and hopefully alter the way they think about us by giving them a vulnerable piece of us. It doesn't have to be a juicy tidbit rather just sharing their effects on us. If that person has deeper emotional concerns and uses that information against you, then the problem remains, but you are free from condemnation because you tried to correct it! God likes that!
Prov 2:11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
Praying to God first is a way to let God work in other peoples hearts so that when you approach them they have already been thinking about it and the response is usually more receptive or they will avoid you completely due to overwhelming guilt. Either way, if you spend time praying for others and trying to mend bridges, you have won God's heart. God protects those who love Him.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?
Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at helpingmeheal@live.ca.