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Additional Resources

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Where's the Peace?

Most people think that "once I complete this then I will have peace"!!  Okay after this next hurdle I will have peace...and so on!!  That sequence will be there throughout our entire life.

What we need to understand is that peace comes from within not from outside sources.  It's not a commodity or an award.  Peace is the understanding that we need to accept life as it is.  That doesn't mean we can't change our circumstances for the better,  it just means to accept the things we cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery and Life's Healing Choices teach us that the only fore sure thing in life is that we will have situations that can steal away our peace, if we let it!!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
 Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at