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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Patiently Waiting

We know that when we are standing in front of God that our entire life will flash before us, we will be held accountable for everything we have said and done, be they good or bad.  Everyone on earth will be standing there whether they believe in God or not.  Wouldn't it be nice if all we saw was the good things we had said and done?  The words "well done good and faithful servant".

There is a way for that to happen and it is to confess our sins right now, here on earth.  Sharing our troublesome and sorrowful tales with someone you trust and admitting our wrongs to God.  If we take the time to do this now then God won't have to force us to do it while standing in front of Him.

The time of patiently waiting is over, now is the time to confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ, because Jesus will tell God what a good job we have done on earth....or NOT.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
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