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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Enduring Hardship

Finding peace in ongoing hardship is something that we cannot do on our own.  We may think we have the power to do that, but in reality we achieve that peace by simply releasing control, which happens to be a gift from God.  We are told that in every hardship God will provide an out for us if we surrender our power to God.  An unusual silence come over us when these hardship continue, they just don't seem that important any longer.  You start viewing the perpetrator as an uncontrolled child, and the situation as a kindergarten movie.

You start to feel sorry for someone like that and wish that you could instruct them on the proper way to deal with their stress, but you can't.  They have to learn that on their own.  God will help them experience it, don't you worry about that.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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