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Sunday, August 3, 2014


Its something we all seek to a greater or lesser degree!

What is it really?  Its not something you need a PHD for.  You don't have to be good at math, or be methodical, or efficient.  You don't need perfect eyesight, be athletic or beautiful. Money, power, or prestige don't matter at all. Your color, ethnicity, and intelligence have little to do with it.

It is simply understanding!!  You need it and I need it.  We need to receive it and we need to give it!!  But most importantly, we need to show it and teach it too!  Chaos exists because we are ignorant to the fact that understanding would clear ALL transgressions.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices give us tools to understand the inner working of those around us and vice-versa.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
 Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at