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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Science of Religion

Have you ever doubted where you are going in life?  Or ever doubted life or relationships are what they're all hyped up to be?  Sometimes we can't see the forest because the trees are in the way.  Sometimes we can't see the relationship we want because people are in the way.  This is a two-sided coin!  For all we know we are in the best place, or possibly the worst place when it comes to relationships.  But in all reality we won't know until we first try to locate ourself in the forest. Although we have to first weigh that relationship with what God outlines what a good relationship is, in His eyes.  If it doesn't match, then we are probably on a rocky road to somewhere unknown on a scale of outrageous to bland, both of which can be deal breakers to a human!  But you know what?  If you're in a relationship like that, maybe some direction would really help.  God says to forgive and forget 70 x 7 times.  He also says to be faithful and true no matter what!  If we do that, then God will look at us and say, "Well done, good and faithful servant".   Soooo... Now you know where you are going!

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