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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Simple Words

Words are seeds.  Once said, they cannot be removed, but they can be trimmed.  One harsh word can permanently harm you.  It can do the following: make you feel incompetent, make you angry and act out, turn you into a bully, shut down your creativity, darken your spirit, remove your smile, make you indifferent, make you lose interest, and encourage you to quit.  But the greatest of these is to drive you into a belief that you are less than you are.  A recipe for an addiction.

It takes 10 words of positive reinforcement and encouragement to replace the damage of one harsh word.  Once a persons innocence is taken away through harsh words, the recipient feels it as in the 10 listed above.  People can apologize but unless we find it in us to forgive them, then those words are stuck with us as long as we want to hang onto them.  Jesus said that forgiving them is the only answer.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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