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Sunday, December 13, 2015


Once we realize that we need to step away from our addiction, we do everything humanly possible to keep distant.  Sure we stumble once in a while, but our motive is true to try and avoid it at all possible.  But there is always one thing that continually trips us up and that is unbelief that we are worthy of forgiveness from others or even God.

Unbelievers avoid religion because they don't like hearing about satan and the lake of fire kind of talk.  Picture religion like a large government program: they designate billions of dollars for a certain project.  The money stays there never to be moved except for the people designated to draw on that account. God did the same thing through Jesus Christ; all who believe may draw on that account and those that don't believe may not!!  It's that simple, so the only thing in our way is our choice.

Why not start some new good clean habits today?

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