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Sunday, July 5, 2015


It's either truth or disobedience!  But if it's the truth whether good or bad, then why do we try to hide it?  If it's disobedience then why not tell the truth about it?  Excuses are simply a way to avoid blame, getting caught, or being found out.  Nobody likes shame.  It's a grandious attempt to paint the rotten boards in our life, to cover the mould with a fresh look, or to pretty-up the putrid stink we seem to like!  That's all sin is; the rotten, mouldy stench that we cover up, repeatedly.  We try bandaid after bandaid approach until we finally see how dumb we look building fantastic excuses, all to simply avoid the truth.

The better approach is to say, "I'm done with this in my life.  I need to change"!  Instead of dreaming up the best excuse, try confessing it to someone and giving it to Jesus!