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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tears For Nothing

When people or situations in life really hurt and cuts us very deeply.  When we pretend that it probably doesn't matter anyway, or we say "I guess that's just my luck", we get depressed, lose confidence, feel poorly, give up and walk away.  The tears we shed are for nothing!!  We drift away and look for happiness in a quirk, another relationship, eating disorders, assault, drugs, etc.

The other side of the coin is when those same situations cause us to blow our top, we carelessly lash out, say mean and do deplorable things, we get even by hurting them even more than they ever did us.  The tears we shed are for nothing!!  We storm away and look for happiness in a one-night stand, compulsive shopping, self mutilation, a bottle, partners in crime, etc.

Extremes cause us to act out in these and a myriad more ways.  In fact, they are all the same thing: we are running from reality, the inability to stand and deal with problems with a calm demeanor and semi-organized thoughts.  A steady decorum is the dream of 90% of the worlds population, and some achieve it.  Acting out in these strange ways is because we are tempted or thrown from our comfort zone and are oblivious how to handle it.

Self Help groups like Life's Healing Choices & Celebrate Recovery help us to realize that our tears should be reserved for our successes in life and not wasted on the result of poor choices.

Stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?