Most people these days are furthest from spiritual teaching and for the most part lack any real direction in their life. Oh they know their career choices and retirement needs or their next meal, but spiritually they are dead. They buy a wooden thing or hang a picture on the wall of an ideology and claim that is their belief system, but truly lack any depth or meaning.
Mary was absolutely taken by Jesus' teachings and couldn't get enough, whereas Martha was so overwhelmed with protocol that she couldn't stand taking the time to hear Jesus until the deeds were done. Isn't that like us with our spiritual life most of the time, only talking to God when we are hurt or want something or when we have time?
Mary realized the urgency in getting that teaching while she could and craved something better in life, while Martha was burdened with obligation and political correctness.
Let me ask this question; if Jesus came to your house only once, would you spend your time trying to please Him through service to Him, or please Him with your undivided adoration towards Him? It's a difficult mix to find the balance between service and adoration.
Basically, are you the prize or is He?
Luke 10:42 "but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.”
But 2 verses earlier Martha says, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
Mary was absolutely taken by Jesus' teachings and couldn't get enough, whereas Martha was so overwhelmed with protocol that she couldn't stand taking the time to hear Jesus until the deeds were done. Isn't that like us with our spiritual life most of the time, only talking to God when we are hurt or want something or when we have time?
Mary realized the urgency in getting that teaching while she could and craved something better in life, while Martha was burdened with obligation and political correctness.
Let me ask this question; if Jesus came to your house only once, would you spend your time trying to please Him through service to Him, or please Him with your undivided adoration towards Him? It's a difficult mix to find the balance between service and adoration.
Basically, are you the prize or is He?
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