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Additional Resources

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Life is broken down into elements of time.  Time for interaction with others, for our personal desires, and for thought processes.  When we do something wrong, then our thought processes become over ridden with guilt or ways to conceal our wrong doing.  This can lead to us trying to find ways of dampening those thoughts in some way.  This is the ground work laid for an addictive behavior.

Excessive use of substances, bad habits, or negative thinking is just a blister on our already over worked mind.  The best way to deal with this kind of wrong thinking is to expose the original sin, the very thing we are trying to cover up.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices show us that none of the junk we conceal is original in any way and that others sharing the same wrong doing is quite healing for us.

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at
Confidentiality will be respected