Sometimes we just don't realize what we have until it is gone. Addictive and compulsive behaviours can keep us locked in a cycle of never looking up, always staring down at our hang-up of choice. When we do that we miss everything that goes on around us.
What we don't realize is just how much control we have of everything, if we would only look away from our addiction and speak to God. God created mankind and everything in the world and gave us complete control over it.
Psalm 8:6 "You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet"
It's hard for us to fathom when we think "little ole' me in charge of anything"; "I can't even control myself". That's only because we focus all of our attention on ourself and the dismal life we lead, thinking we are hopeless. Somehow that lie got into our head and has kept us where we are.
We think we are weak but we have the power to move mountains if we only believe enough!!
What we don't realize is just how much control we have of everything, if we would only look away from our addiction and speak to God. God created mankind and everything in the world and gave us complete control over it.
Psalm 8:6 "You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet"
It's hard for us to fathom when we think "little ole' me in charge of anything"; "I can't even control myself". That's only because we focus all of our attention on ourself and the dismal life we lead, thinking we are hopeless. Somehow that lie got into our head and has kept us where we are.
We think we are weak but we have the power to move mountains if we only believe enough!!
Why not start some new good clean habits today?
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