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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Purpose of Learning

Why do we need to learn things about how society acts?  Why should we conform to the laws of the land, or for that matter, "the laws of God"?

Welllll...The habits of a healthy society are the very ones we abandon under stress.  Chances are these things are our fault, I mean we had a pretty good idea of what is right or wrong but chose wrong anyway!! Why?  When you grow up in chaos, its hard to live in a law biding society.

I guess that brings us back to why do we need to learn how society acts?  Maybe we just need to prove it to ourselves that the law of the land stands, because good people want it that way.  Truth be told: we didn't have a good teacher or we were left on our own and now seeking attention.

Self-help groups like Celebrate Recovery & Life's Healing Choices teach us to respect; people, laws, customs, but more-so, the Word of God!

Why not stop in Wednesday Nights at 6:15 pm. NO Appointment Necessary!!
 Join us for a free supper, friendship, music, & great teaching.
Why not start some new good clean habits today?

Do you have a question about your life, or a story to share? Email us at 
Confidentiality will be respected